POLICE QUEST III POLICE QUEST III OR THE KINDRED, Thats the title of the latest Police Quest adventure. Sonny Bonds has as his usual work the duty of stopping drunken drivers or semi race drivers from hurting anybody else on the high way. It seems very boring untill he gets home one night. He finds out that his wife Marie is almost killed in a assault on somebody else. Enough reason for Sonny boy to go to the bottem of this case. He finds out that there is a strange Kult that seems to use an ritual murder patron and that they also deal in drugs. But before you can nail these guy's you have to do your best in police work as, investicate the place of murder, collect evidence and hear out witnesses. But you also must make some Police reports on the Police computer, cause if you don't, your career could end faster then you thought. Police Quest III is another very good adventure, with lots of real looking scenes and atmosphere. In the begining you might feel a bit unsure cause the Police car doesn't work that smooth, but you'll get used to it very soon. It's a game with lots of suprises, and thats why you have to take your time to solve this case. With luck alone you will surely not succed !!. Jan Hammer wrote the soundtracker music for this game himself altough it doesn't sound that special. The rest like graphix and sound effects seem very good. The PC version has some really nice digi sound effects and very good, sometimes digi, VGA pictures. Around the end of the year the PC version will be on the market. Around Christmas we hope that the ST version will be on the market also. Bonus Software